Sunday, September 26, 2010

my first day!!

yea! finally my dream of having my very own blog, mcm da tcapai je. arini 26/09/2010 is my first day of owning dis blog! oyeaahhhh (kenapa begitu hepi ni yer)
kerana saye sudah lame menginginkan sebuah blog sndiri dan akhrnye, yea!
ok, ta perlu byk sgt lar introduction kan.
just a simple ice breaking about me. i'm a girl, from beloved country, Malaysia, age 22 and currently studying at UitM. (uitM mane adelah rahsie. hehe)
for now, i just want to keep my identity as SECRET. can? can? XDD
keinginan saye mempunyai sebuah blog adelah kepingin banget betukar2 story n experience about life with others.
thus, either than having real friends, it's not wrong for having virtual friends. kan? XD
ok lar,
nty tulis lagi yer
ni buley dikatekan as testing2 dulu lar. tehee XD